By Cailyn Kennedy
Former Lenoir Community College Business Administration student Josh Kautter is achieving more than he ever thought possible. After a three-year career in the Army, Kautter left due to struggles with PTSD due to his time deployed in Afghanistan. After his return home, he decided to pursue a career in installing gutters and spent his free time as a volunteer firefighter.
When asked why he pursued a degree in business, Kautter replied with, “The owner of the company I was working for saw something in me and wanted me to work in the office as an operations manager for the gutter company. I liked this idea, so I decided to accept it. I enjoy learning in general and I will always continue to further my education in some form or another. Business seemed like a useful path to take.”
Graduating with a degree in business administration in May 2024, Kautter recognizes that this is a significant milestone for himself. While uncertain about the future utility of his degree in his current career path, he remains optimistic about its potential, envisioning possibilities such as opening a gym alongside his future plans to pursue a career as an EMT
and paramedic.
“Something I want others to understand is the importance of studying hard and understanding the material in regard to the big picture. Memorizing things can be beneficial, but understanding how everything falls into place and why, is where the connection with the real world takes place,” says Kautter. “I want others to know that it is never too late to start college. Even if you are retired or in your later years like me.”
Though he has had his struggles, he encourages everyone struggling to reach out to those around them for support. “Do not be afraid to ask questions! If anything, my teachers may have been annoyed at times, although they would disagree, I am sure.
Support from family is great as well because they know when to give you time to study.”
A message he hopes others can take away from his story is, “Don’t give up. Take the time to work hard, consistently, and diligently to pursue your goals. With the right support and the drive to learn and ask questions, you can do it and you will thank yourself in the end,” says Kautter. “Before beginning any educational pursuit, two years, four years, however long it may be, can seem daunting and overwhelming, but that time will pass faster than you think. Take the plunge and be a better you!”
“Look ahead at your goals and determine if the temporary sacrifices now are worth it in the end. In most cases it is. I know it has been for me. The time and money you spend now for more money, happiness, and a great career in the future sounds like a good deal to me,” says Kautter.
For more information, visit LCC Business Administration.